What type of a Bricklayer are you ?

Viraj Samarasekera
2 min readFeb 18, 2024

Once, there were three people building a big church in a busy city. One day, an old man came by and asked them what they were doing.

The first person said, “I’m just putting bricks together.”

The second person said, “I’m making a wall.”

But the third person said proudly, “I’m making a special place for God.”

This story shows how different people can see their work in different ways, even if they’re doing the same thing.

The first person just sees it as a regular job, not very exciting. They might not feel very loyal to their team and might only care about getting paid.

The second person feels like they’re part of something bigger, like a team project. But if things change, like if their team or workplace changes, they might have a hard time adjusting.

The third person sees their work as something really important. They want to make a big difference and won’t give up easily, even if they have to work alone sometimes. They’re good at getting people to help them and finding ways to make their idea happen.

Most of us are like the first or second person, but we all have the potential to be like the third person if we find work that really matches who we are and what we care about.



Viraj Samarasekera

Software Engineering, Management & Environmental Enthusiast